A current study of logistics service provider DHL shows an interesting result: The world is less globally connected today than it was in 2007, according to the Global Connectedness Index. It measures and analyzes the global connectedness of 140 countries, covering 99% of the world's GDP and 95% of its population. The index is influenced by the depth and breadth of countries' trade, capital, information and people flows. Is this result still a consequence of the global financial crisis of 2007?
SuCess - Supply Chain Efficiency and Sustainability zeigt die Zukunft der Logistik. Globales, effizientes und nachhaltiges Supply Chain Management bietet für Industrie und Handel ein enormes Wettbewerbspotential, das es zu erschließen gilt. Der Blog SuCess beschreibt neueste Entwicklungen und Trends im spannenden Umfeld des Supply Chain Managements und stellt Best Practices der erfolgreichsten Unternehmen vor.
Freitag, 30. November 2012
Mittwoch, 28. November 2012
4 steps to increase supply chain's sustainability
How to reduce carbon emissions of global supply chains? Many companies and logistic service providers realize the increasing importance of this topic for their customers. Currently the main problem for most organizations is the missing experience in creating "green logistics solutions" as well as finding the right approach to avoid ecological consequences caused by supply chains. But regarding the success some businesses already achieved with their efforts on greening the supply chain, the complexity of actions taken should be manageable. By concentrating on pure logistic processes four main opportunities to reduce carbon emissions are worth mentioning:
Mittwoch, 21. November 2012
T-Shirt Carbon Footprint - Wieviel CO2 tragen wir?
Dieser Frage nahm sich der Otto Konzern zusammen mit dem Beratungsunternehmen Systain an. Dabei wurde der Carbon Footprint eines langärmligen T-Shirts für dessen Produktlebenszyklus ermittelt. Das Ergebnis ist erstaunlich. Das 330g schwere Shirt verursacht von der Herstellung bis zur Entsorgung etwa elf Kilogramm CO2. Ebenso überraschend ist die Verteilung der Emissionen auf die einzelnen Lebenszyklusphasen.
Dienstag, 20. November 2012
Green Logistics Survey - Vote now!
A few weeks after my last post I start up again with a current survey about the strategic impact of green logistics and sustainability on management issues. The one and only question focuses on the consequences of building up a sustainable and efficient supply chain network in the industry. Give me your opinion by clicking on the sidebar on the right and choosing one of the following answers:
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